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Edition Janvier 2017

Newsletter de la Global Alliance

Global Alliance for Urban Crises Newsletter : January 2017 Edition

Happy New Year from the Global Alliance for Urban Crises, and welcome to the January 2017 Newsletter Edition. We have several exciting updates as 2017 commences, marking the start of a new year as we put things in place for a productive year. We look forward to collaborating with you in adapting humanitarian crises to an urban world in the year ahead.

This newsletter features the announcement of members of the Global Alliance for Urban Crises Steering Group, an Alliance Side Event during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week in Geneva, and a Save the Date for the All Members meeting. Scroll down to read more.

Global Alliance for Urban Crises Steering Group Membership 2017

We are pleased to announce the Global Alliance for Urban Crises Steering Group membership for 2017. The Steering Group will be in place for an initial 12 months as we take the Alliance to the next stages. A list of Steering Group members and alternates can be found here. For your reference, please find a note on the Alliance governance structure here.

We look forward to working with Steering Group members, constituencies, and Alliance members for a productive 2017. Updates on the Alliance governance structure will be provided in future newsletters.

Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week Side Event

Co-hosted with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee - Reference Group for Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas (IASC RGMHCUA)

Save the Date : Wednesday, 8 February 2017, 16:00-17:30, Geneva, Switzerland

The Global Alliance for Urban Crises will co-host an Side Event with the IASC RGMHCUA during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week in Geneva, Switzerland. The Side Event will take place on 8 February 2016, from 16:00-17:30 in Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG) and will be a consultative discussion on coordination during urban crisis.

Details will be distributed in due course.

Global Alliance for Urban Crises All Members Meeting

Save the Date : 30-31 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

The Global Alliance for Urban Crises is pleased to announce the first All Members Meeting will take place on 30-31 March 2017, in Brussels, Belgium. The event is open to all member organizations who are signatory to the Urban Crises Charter.

The meeting will focus on further kick-starting Alliance initiatives, devising a work plan for Alliance Working Groups, and strategy to implement the initiatives, running in view of making an impact at scale for the next 3-5 years

Details will be distributed in due course.

Publié le 22 janvier 2017

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